TaBlitz enables tablet design in strict accordance with the specifications outlined in the Tabletting Specification Manual, as well as incorporating valuable insights from across the entire industry. The citations listed below serve as the foundation for our data and information, fueling both our indices and the advanced capabilities of our Design Intelligence Engine.
Tablet Scoring: Nomenclature, Labeling, and Data for Evaluation
Patient-Centered Pharmaceutical Design to improve Acceptability of Medicines: Similarities and differences in paediatric and geriatric populations
Liu, F., Ranmal, S. R., Batchelor, H., Orlu-Gul, M., Ernest, T. B., Thomas, I. W., Flanagan, T., & Tuleu, C. (2014). Drugs,74(16), 1871–1889.
Patients’ appropriateness, acceptability, usability and preferences for pharmaceutical preparations: Results from a literature review on clinical evidence
Drumond, N., Van Riet‐Nales, D. A., Karapinar-Çarkıt, F., & Stegemann, S. (2017). International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 521(1–2), 294–305.
Better Medicines for Older Patients - Considerations between Patient Characteristics and Solid Oral Dosage Form Designs to Improve Swallowing Experience
Drumond, N., & Stegemann, S. (2020). Pharmaceutics, 13(1), 32.
Case Study - Accord - Choosing the correct tool material specification
I Holland
Case Study - Molecular Profiles - Tablet sticking
I Holland
Case Study - Multi-vitamins - Combatting abrasion
I Holland
Case Study - Novartis - Solving sticking
I Holland
Case Study - Novartis - Solving tooling wear and breakage
I Holland
Case Study - Perrigo - Abrasion steels
I Holland
Case Study - Pfizer - Tablet sticking
I Holland
Case Study - Thompson Capper - Fighting abrasion
I Holland
Design and Manufacture of Tablets
Reynir Eyjolfsson, Academic Press, 2015, ScienceDirect.
Design is key - What are the important considerations in tablet production
Osborne, S. (2017) European Pharmaceutical Manufacturer.
Effect of geometrical features on the capping behavior of biconvex tablets
Vincent Mazel, Cléo Garcia, Pierre Tchoreloff, International Journal of Pharmaceutics,Volume 645, 2023, 123365,ISSN 0378-5173
Size, Shape, and Other Physical Attributes of Generic Tablets and Capsules
Research, C. F. D. E. A. (2022). U.S. Food And Drug Administration.
Tablet Scoring:Nomenclature, Labeling, and Data for Evaluation
Research, C. F. D. E. A. (2020). U.S. Food And Drug Administration.
Five factors to consider when designing a tablet
I Holland,
Good tablet design for maximised production
Alex Bunting, I Holland.
How Tablet Design Can Help or Hinder Nutraceutical Manufacture
Steve Osborn. I Holland.
How to avoid sticky situations
I Holland.
Impact of Tablet Size and Shape on the Swallowability in Older Adults
Hummler, H., Stillhart, C., Meilicke, L., Grimm, M., Krause, E., Mannaa, M., Gollasch, M., Weitschies, W., & Page, S. (2023). Pharmaceutics, 15(4), 1042.
Improving tablet production efficiency - Part 1
I Holland.
Improving tablet production efficiency - Part 2
I Holland.
Innovation drives productivity & efficiency in tablet production
I Holland.
IPI Sept15 Tooling Options
Bill Turner, Kevin Queensen (2015) Natoli Engineering Co
Tablet Compression Tooling - Land or No Land
Bill Turner, Natoli Engineering Co
Multi-tip tooling - Maximising productivity
Steve Osborn. I Holland.
Overcoming tablet tooling abrasion issues
Rob Blanchard Trevor Higgins, I Holland.
Prediction of effects of punch shapes on tableting failure by using a multi-functional single-punch tablet press.
Osamura, T., Takeuchi, Y., Onodera, R., Kitamura, M., Takahashi, Y., Tahara, K., & Takeuchi, H. (2017). Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 12(5), 412–417.
Proactive ways to prevent picking and sticking
Natoli Engineering Co.
Protective tablet tool coatings
Rob Blanchard I Holland.
Rough going tips for fighting abrasive wear
Michael Oxford. I Holland.
Six Considerations for the Designing and Manufacturing of Pharmaceutical Tablets
Thomas Processing
Threshold Size of Medical Tablets and Capsules: Based on Information Collected by Japanese Medical Wholesaler
Kabeya, K., Satoh, H., Hori, S., Miura, Y., & Sawada, Y. (2020). Patient Preference and Adherence, Volume 14, 1251–1258.
Sticky situation? Analysing common sticking and picking issues
Dr Charles Kettler, Natoli Scientific. 9 MAY 2017 European Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
Tablet Designs – Should you stop making round tablets
Tablet production - 5 common problems solved
2015 I Holland. European Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
Taking Shape
Dale Natoli and Bill Turner, at Natoli Engineering Company. European Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
Tablet Tooling - Understanding Maximum Compression Force
Kevin Queensen (2015), Natoli Engineering. Tablets & Capsule 2015
Tabletting - Tabletability, Compactability, and Compressibility: What's the difference?
Robert Sedlock (2016) Natoli Engineering Co. Tablets & Capsule
The Science Behind Sticking and How To Solve It
Rob Blanchard. I Holland.
The Tableting Specification Manual's role_I Holland full answers
I Holland. Tabletting Science
TSM Manual 7th edition
The American Pharmacists Association (2006) - Tablet Specification Manual 7th Edition
Why is good tablet design important and how to achieve it
Contract Pharma & Steve Deakin and Steve Osborn, May 2015. I Holland.
An evaluation of film coating materials and their predicted oro-esophageal gliding performance for solid oral dosage forms
Nélio Drumond, Sven Stegemann, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, Volume 77, 2022
An evaluation of the gliding performance of solid oral dosage form film coatings using an artificial mucous layer
Nélio Drumond, Sven Stegemann, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Volume 177, 2019
An Investigation into the Relationship between Xanthan Gum Film Coating Materials and Predicted Oro-Esophageal Gliding Performance for Solid Oral Dosage Forms
Drumond N, Stegemann S. Pharmaceutics. 2020; 12(12):1241.
Does the Formulation of Oral Solid Dosage Forms Affect Acceptance and Adherence in Older Patients? A Mixed Methods Systematic Review
Shariff, Z., Dahmash, D., Kirby, D., Missaghi, S., Rajabi‐Siahboomi, A. R., & Maidment, I. (2020). Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21(8), 1015-1023.e8.
How do tablet properties influence swallowing behaviours?
Yamamoto, S., Taniguchi, H., Hayashi, H., Hori, K., Tsujimura, T., Nakamura, Y., Sato, H., & Inoue, M. (2013). How do tablet properties influence swallowing behaviours? Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 66(1), 32–39.
Multi-Analytical Framework to Assess the In Vitro Swallowability of Solid Oral Dosage Forms Targeting Patient Acceptability and Adherence
Ershad, A. L., Rajabi‐Siahboomi, A. R., Missaghi, S., Kirby, D., & Mohammed, A. (2021). Pharmaceutics, 13(3), 411.
Influence of solid oral dosage form characteristics on swallowability, visual perception, and handling in older adults
Hummler, H., Page, S., Stillhart, C., Meilicke, L., Grimm, M., Mannaa, M., Gollasch, M., & Weitschies, W. (2023). Pharmaceutics, 15(4), 1315.
A comprehensive review on pharmaceutical mini tablets
Priyanka, Kumar K, Teotia D, Journal of Drug Delivery and
Therapeutics. 2018; 8(6):382-390